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Mediterráneo Vivo: Explorando el Futuro de Nuestros Ecosistemas

Los ecosistemas mediterráneos están en peligro y requieren nuestra atención urgente. ¿Cómo impulsamos la acción comunitaria hacia su restauración y preservación? ¿Cómo protegemos nuestro medio ambiente mediterráneo frente al cambio climático, la desertificación y la pérdida de biodiversidad?

Acompáñanos a abordar estas preguntas y más en Mediterráneo Vivo: Explorando el Futuro de Nuestros Ecosistemas.

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Mediterráneo Vivo: Exploring the Future of Our Ecosystems

Mediterranean ecosystems are in danger and require our urgent attention. How do we drive community action toward their restoration and preservation? How do we protect our Mediterranean environment in the face of climate change, desertification and biodiversity loss?

Join us as we tackle these questions and more at Mediterráneo Vivo: Exploring the Future of Our Ecosystems.

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Unveiling Water: Narratives of Environmental Justice and Climate Action

“Unveiling Water: Narratives of Environmental Justice and Climate Action” organized by AMWAJ is exploring the profound significance of water in our lives and the world. Join us for dynamic discussions led by media experts as we uncover the power of storytelling in shaping our understanding of environmental justice. Together, we’ll forge connections, inspire change, and weave the intricate threads of a more sustainable future.

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The power of communication – an indispensable skill for generating impact 

Do you work for an environmental organisation that could benefit from better communication? Are you considering a job in environmental communication? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, we invite you to join us for an enriching workshop to learn about effective communication strategies and pathways for a career in environmental communication. Come and learn from communication experts who already have tried and tested formulas for effectively reaching different audiences and find out how what working in environmental communications is like.

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Sparking water action through storytelling

To mark this year’s World Water Day, AMWAJ hosted the first Tabadul of 2023 where participants got the chance to learn about storytelling techniques and tools that can help them better connect with their audiences and spark action in them.

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