Sparking water action through storytelling

Tabadul Webinar


To mark this year’s World Water Day, we celebrated our first Tabadul of 2023 where we talked about the power that stories have for sparking water action in the region. Tabadul, meaning “exchange” in Arabic, is an AMWAJ Community space for water stakeholders and those interested in water around the Mediterranean to connect and exchange knowledge, ideas and useful tools which can help us drive real action in the region and have a lasting impact.

In this session, we will learn about storytelling techniques and tools that can help you better connect with your audience and spark action in them. The workshop revolved around a growing issue in the Mediterranean: water pollution. In line with the theme of World Water Day 2023 ‘Accelerating Change’, we gave visibility to initiatives and tools that are accelerating change to tackle marine litter pollution. We showcased data-driven projects that are using creative narratives to drive action in marine ecosystems preservation and against plastic pollution.

Meet the initiatives:

– MedWaves is the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Center for sustainable consumption and production (SCP). Learn more:
– Visualizing Palestine (VP) was established in 2012, and is dedicated to using data and research to visually communicate Palestinian experiences to provoke narrative change. Learn more:
– Quo Artis – Art and Science Foundation is an international non-profit organization that seeks to generate connections between art, science and technology, acting as a bridge between professionals in these fields. Learn more:
– Sketching the Move supports dialogue and helps organizations through a universal language: drawing. Learn more:…

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