Water Memories
with Georges Gharios
In Arabic, the word “ayn” preceding many location names refers to the source of a river or a lake. These designations give us hints about the importance of water as a resource that can and has to be disseminated and shared. Ayn el Jdeideh, Hazmieh, Barouk, or Bcharre are names of places in “Bilad al-Sham” in Lebanon that have a connection with water – without most of us knowing about it. Hazmieh, today a suburb of Beirut, means the “guardian of the water”.
In this episode recorded in Arabic by Mariam Younes, we invited Georges Gharios, an expert in water law and water management. Georges is the communication manager at Difaf, an environmental solution provider in Lebanon, and a member of AMWAJ. Georges has worked on the historical importance of water, forms of water management, and water laws in the MENA region. In this episode, he discussed with Mariam the importance of managing water within society since it determines the life of that society.

Georges Gharios
Georges, a Water Policy and Governance Expert, is Communications Manager at Difaf. Holding a BSc. in Agricultural Sciences, MSc. in International Land and Water Management, and a Ph.D. in Water Law, his expertise spans Water Law, Policy, Governance, and Transboundary Waters in the Levant. With a focus on Water Conservation Customs, Heritage, and Indigenous Rights in Lebanon, he is well-versed in Water-Energy-Food Nexus, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development. Georges has consulted for FAO, UNDP, USAID, and others, and has teaching experience at the American University of Technology. Published in journals, he presents on water laws, policy, and governance at conferences.