Applying constructive journalism in environmental reporting: how and why
Date and time: 29/03/2022 11:00 am
The Mediterranean is one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to the impacts of global warming. Despite the urgency of the issue, the media does not always give the necessary space to talk about climate change and its interrelationships with all aspects of our lives. When the topic does get some space, it is usually in the science and environment sections, highlighting negative aspects such as natural disasters or the impact of climate change on the environment.
The first Tabadul session of 2022 will explore new forms of storytelling to address environmental challenges. Participants will deep dive into the concept of constructive journalism, which helps journalists produce more impactful and informed articles about the environmental, social and economic challenges our societies face today.
Constructive journalism focuses on the solutions to the problems and not only on the challenges, offering a completed and more balanced picture of reality. In this Tabadul session, the two Lebanese journalists winners from the Berytech Climate Reporting Media Training will share their experience implementing constructive journalism in their environmental reporting.
The session will take place virtually in a setup that will allow attendees to dialogue with the journalists, fostering a sense of community.