Young Environmental Journalists Training
Check out the work done designing and facilitating a training program for journalism students in Palestine in 2022 under the funding of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA).
YEJ Training
The Young Environmental Journalists (YEJ) Training program connected 35 journalism students from six universities across Palestine with media professionals. This training initiative offered innovative opportunities for young individuals to both understand and address environmental concerns within Palestine. The AMWAJ team designed the course curriculum, developed the course visual identity and Moodle platform and coordinated the program to ensure all the activities were developed in due time.
The program utilized a hybrid format, enabling students from various regions, including Gaza and the West Bank, to access course materials at their own pace while also participating in in-person workshops, field trips, and mentorship sessions. The primary emphasis of the training revolved around waste and waste management, a significant environmental challenge within Palestine. Participants gained a comprehensive understanding of both global and local environmental issues, with a particular focus on waste, and learned how to craft impactful journalistic stories on these topics.
About The Young Environmental Journalists
The students applied the knowledge they acquired throughout the three-month course to create their final stories. The course placed a strong emphasis on the solutions journalism methodology, considering it a vital component for crafting constructive and influential narratives about environmental issues.
The YEJ Training program is an initiative led by the Environmental Quality Authority (EQA) and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) as part of the Strengthening Palestinian Environment Action Program. This training program is executed with the assistance of REVOLVE and the Media Development Center (MDC) at Birzeit University.
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