All posts by Khaled Sulaiman

Khaled Sulaiman

Khaled Sulaiman is an environmental

الجفاف والتغير المناخي في العراق يسألني أصدقاء وصديقات، زميلات وزملاء كثر عن سبب اهتمامي بالمياه وسط كل هذه الحروب والكوارث الإنسانية التي تحيطنا من كل الجهات. وكنت أجيب على هذا... More


Khaled Sulaiman

Khaled Sulaiman is an environmental journalist from Iraqi Kurdistan, author of: Water Guards…Drought and Climate Change in Iraq. With more than 15 years of work with regional and international media platforms about water and environment in Middle East, He specializes in solution journalism and climate change issues. With the aim of strengthening the role of the media in facing the effects of climate change, he also collaborates with Free Press Unlimited and Planetary Security Initiative. Through this, He conducts regularly, media training projects about security and social related issues to climate change.

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